In this article I've tried (with the help of others) to get a list of articles, video's, etc that might be of interest to you.
An osprey nest has 3 eggs most of the time, sometimes there are 4, sometimes there are only two, but the majority of the nest have 3 eggs.
The eggs are layed with 1-3 days in between (On this nest
A one minute youtube video of the egg development in Hens
Do birds store sperm after mating, or are matings mandatory for each egg prior to egg laying?
Sperm Storage in the Female Reproductive Tract in Birds on The National Center for Biotechnology Information.
A site with generic information from stanford university
Fun site:
..... Incubation Time
..... Incubation: Heating Eggs
..... Who Incubates?
..... Brood Patches